Abstract Submission

The Call for Papers is now closed.

We invited proposals for 25-minute presentations, followed by 15-minute discussions, that have a clear evidence-based focus and pertain to the teaching and learning of foreign/second/additional languages in primary school (ages 5-12). The submission deadline was November 15, 2024.



  1. Create a ScienceConf account by clicking on the little arrow next to the black Login button in the right-hand corner at the top.
  2. When you’re logged in, choose “My Space” --> "My submissions" from the menu on the left.
  3. Click on "Submit an abstract" and follow the instructions on the website.

You should receive a confirmation e-mail from the system upon abstract submission. It might take a few minutes to arrive, but if you don’t get one or are experiencing any other technical issues, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at atfly@uni-wuppertal.de.


Criteria for acceptance:

 Formal criteria

  • Completeness: name of presenter(s) & affiliation(s), presentation title, abstract: 300 - 400 words incl. references
  • Empirical structure: theoretical background, research questions/aims, research methods and (projected) findings

Content criteria

  • relevance of the study for the conference’s scope (early language learning and teaching in school contexts)
  • coherence and quality of the theoretical background
  • evidence-based design/grounding in empirical data
  • well-founded and plausible research design, including methodological rigor of data analysis
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